ACM SIGMOD Record 29(3), September 2000.
Comparative Analysis of Six XML Schema Languages1
Dongwon Lee
Wesley W. Chu
Department of Computer Science
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA
Email: {dongwon,wwc}
As XML [5] is emerging as the data format of the
internet era, there is an substantial increase of the amount of data
in XML format. To better describe such XML data structures and
constraints, several XML schema languages have been proposed. In this
paper, we present a comparative analysis of six noteworthy XML schema
1 Introduction
As of June 2000, there are about a dozen of XML schema languages that
have been proposed. Among those, in this paper, we choose six schema
languages (XML DTD [5], XML Schema [4, 9, 22], XDR [10, 15, 17], SOX [8],
Schematron [11, 18], DSD [12, 13]) as
Our rationale in choosing the representatives is as follows: 1) they are
backed by substantial organizations so that their chances of survival
are high (e.g., XML DTD and XML Schema by W3C, XDR by Microsoft, DSD
by AT&T), 2) there are publically known usages or
applications (e.g., XML DTD in XML, XDR in BizTalk, SOX in
xCBL), 3) the language has a unique approach distinct from XML DTD
(e.g., SOX, Schematron, DSD).
First, we briefly review each schema language.
XML DTD (DTD in short), a subset of SGML DTD, is the de facto
standard XML schema language of the past and present and is most likely
to thrive until XML Schema finally arrives. It has limited capabilities
compared to other schema languages. Its main building block consists
of an element and an attribute. The real world is typically
represented by the use of hierarchical element structures.
1.2 XML Schema
XML Schema is an ongoing effort of W3C to aid and eventually replace
DTD in the XML world. XML Schema aims to be more expressive than DTD
and more usable by a wider variety of applications. It has many novel
mechanisms such as inheritance for attributes and elements,
user-defined datatypes, etc.
1.3 XDR
First known as XML-Data, then later trimmed and improved to XDR
(XML-Data Reduced), this language is a joint effort of Microsoft and
others and is being used in Microsoft's BizTalk framework. XDR is
heavily influenced by another proposal co-developed by IBM and Microsoft,
DCD (Document Content Description), and thus shares many similar features.
1.4 SOX
SOX (Schema for Object-Oriented XML) is an alternative schema
language for defining the syntactic structure and partial semantics of
XML document types. As the name implies, it extends DTD in
an object-oriented way by allowing extensible data types and inheritance
among element types. The current version, 2.0, is being developed by
Commerce One.
1.5 Schematron
Schematron, created by Rick Jelliffe, is quite unique from others
in that it focuses on validating schemas using patterns instead of
defining schemas. Its schema definition is simple enough to be
defined in a single page, yet provides very powerful constraint
specification via XPath [7]. The latest version is 1.4.
1.6 DSD
DSD 1.0 was co-developed by AT&T Labs and BRICS with the goals of
context-dependent description of elements and attributes, flexible
default insertion mechanisms, expressive power close to XSLT [6],
etc. Like Schematron, DSD has a strong edge on schema
1.7 Other Languages
In addition, DCD [3],
DDML [2], Assertion Grammars [19],
RELAX [16] have been proposed.
2 Features Classification
In the following, we denote a constant value with single quotes
regardless of the language specification for simplicity.
Furthermore, any attribute A or element E in the language is
denoted by áAñ or áEñ.
When a schema language supports a certain feature fully or partially, we
denote it as Yes or Partial. Otherwise, we denote No.
Furthermore, when there is no explicitly equivalent construct in the
language, but the feature can be simulated using other
constructs with reasonable complexity, we consider the feature
supported by the language.
2.1 Schema
1. Syntax in XML:
Using XML syntax for the schema language brings several
benefits [14]: 1) users do not have to learn new proprietary
syntax, 2) the schema language can be readily applicable to existing
XML applications (e.g., editor, browser), 3) the schema file can
be stored in a XML storage system along with XML documents, and 4) the
schema language is extensible. All the schema languages except DTD
are written in XML syntax:
DTD: No |
XML Schema: Yes |
XDR: Yes |
SOX: Yes |
Schematron: Yes |
DSD: Yes |
2. Namespace:
All languages except DTD and DSD support namespace.
DTD: No |
XML Schema: Yes |
XDR: Yes |
SOX: Yes |
Schematron: Yes |
DSD: No |
Suppose one wants to define the book element by reusing the address element defined elsewhere (denoted as URI) and defining
his own title element.
This can be written in XML Schema as follows:
<schema xmlns:z='URI' ...>
<element name='book'>
<element name='title' type='string'>
<element name='address' type='z:address'>
Similarly, in XDR:
<ElementType name='title' dt:type='string'/>
<ElementType name='book' xmlns:z='URI'>
<element type='title'><element type='z:address'>
SOX supports elements ánamespaceñ to declare
namespace and two attributes áprefixñ and
átypeñ to qualify names.
<namespace prefix='z' namespace='URI'/>
<elementtype name='book'>
<element type='title'>
<element prefix='z' type='address'>
Similarly, Schematron provides an attribute ns for the element
3. Include & import:
Sometimes, it is convenient to pull in externally defined schema
fragments to the current schema. This is especially true when the schema
gets larger; it becomes more desirable to have modular schema
definitions for better maintainence and readability. Several schema
languages support this feature.
If the newly pulled-in fragments can have only the same target
namespace as the current schema, then we refer to it as include. Otherwise, we refer to it as import. First, Include is supported as follows:
DTD: No |
XML Schema: Yes |
XDR: No |
SOX: Yes |
Schematron: No |
DSD: Yes |
In XML Schema, using áinclude schemaLocation='URI'ñ
is conceptually equivalent to replacing the include clause with all
the definitions in the URI. The namespace of the included
fragments must be the same as that of the current schema. In SOX,
a construct ájoinñ allows schema definitions
belonging to the same namespace to be pulled in. Similarly,
áincludeñ is supported in DSD as well.
Furthermore, Import is supported as follows:
DTD: No |
XML Schema: Yes |
XDR: No |
SOX: Yes |
Schematron: No |
DSD: No |
In XML Schema, a construct áimportñ exists. By
importing multiple namespaces, XML Schema allows
definitions and declarations contained in schemas under different
In SOX, special processing indicator á? import
?ñ is used to import schema that can override the default
namespace declared in the current schema.
2.2 Datatype
Datatype can be categorized into two types: simple or complex. A simple type cannot have element content nor carry
attributes while a complex type can. Although most schema
languages support simple types separately, the support of complex
type is a bit fuzzy due to the mixed definition of complex type and
element type. Therefore, here, we only explicitly compare features of the
simple type. The features of the complex type are interspersed
through Sections 2.4 and 2.5.
1. Built-in type: This is either a primitive or derived
simple type provided by the schema language specification.
Most schema languages, except Schematron and DSD, support an array
of built-in types including the plain string and XML-related types (e.g.,
ID, NMTOKEN). The number of such built-in types are:
DTD: 10 |
XML Schema: 37 |
XDR: 33 |
SOX: 17 |
Schematron: 0 |
DSD: 0 |
While DTD supports only XML-related primitive types, XML Schema
supports an extensive set of 37 built-in types, covering most
types being used in general programming languages.
So does XDR or SOX.
Since the focus of Schematron is validating XML structure, it does not
provide any explicit built-in types.
Similarly, DSD has no built-in types.
However many types can be
easily simulated through its support of regular expressions.
2. User-defined type:
When schema designers consider certain types be defined as simple
types in their schema, XML Schema, SOX, and DSD provide such
a facility:
DTD: No |
XML Schema: Yes |
XDR: No |
SOX: Yes |
Schematron: No |
DSD: Yes |
In XML Schema, new simple types can be created by deriving from built-in
or derived types via the inheritance. Details will
be found in Section 2.5.
In SOX, new datatypes can be defined using three facets
áenumerationñ, áscalarñ
and ávarcharñ.
Although types can be simulated in Schematron, they are not treated as
first-class objects as in other languages.
DSD uses a construct áStringTypeDefñ along
with a rich set of operators and regular expressions to support
user-defined types. For instance, a 9 digit US zipcode definition
can be written as follows in DSD:
<StringTypeDef ID='zipcode'>
<Repeat value='5'>
<CharSet Value='0123456789'>
<String Value='-'>
<Repeat value='4'>
<CharSet Value='0123456789'>
3. Domain constraint:
Not only the type itself, but also the legal values for the type are
important. Some languages support a set of constructs to limit the
valid domain values for datatypes as follows:
DTD: No |
XML Schema: Yes |
XDR: No |
SOX: Partial |
Schematron: Yes |
DSD: Yes |
Towards this feature, XML Schema supports a multitude of facets (e.g.,
range, precision, length, mask) and regular expressions.
SOX provides a primitive set of facets including enumeration, min
or max value, maxlength, etc. However, the pattern language is not
Although built-in or user-defined types are not allowed in Schematron,
one can simulate such types using Schematron's support of XPath. For
instance, the integer type for the element E can be simulated as
follows [18]:
<rule context='E'>
<assert test='floor(.) = number(.)'>
E can have only integer value.</assert>
As shown in the example of the user-defined type case, DSD supports a
set of pattern-related operators to constrain the legal domain for
user-defined types.
4. Explicit null: It is often preferable to differentiate among
unknown, inapplicable or others by supporting the explicit ``null''
DTD: No |
XML Schema: Yes |
XDR: No |
SOX: No |
Schematron: No |
DSD: No |
In XML Schema, there is an attribute ánullableñ to
indicate that the element content is null. In a XML instance document,
the element fullname carries an attribute null='true' to
represent the nullness as shown below:
schema : <element name='fullname' nullable='true'/>
instance: <fullname xsi:null='true'></fullname>
2.3 Attribute
1. Default value:
All support this feature.
DTD: Yes |
XML Schema: Yes |
XDR: Yes |
SOX: Yes |
Schematron: No |
DSD: Yes |
In an attribute declaration of DTD, if the declaration is neither #REQUIRED nor #IMPLIED, then the attribute value contains the
declared default value.
<!ATTLIST list type (bullets|ordered) 'ordered'>
<!ATTLIST form method CDATA #FIXED 'POST'>
Here, the attribute type of the element list has a default
value of ``ordered'' while the attribute method of the element
form has a fixed value of ``POST''.
Other languages support default values similarly.
The following three snippets in the order of XML Schema, XDR
and SOX illustrate an attribute nm with a default value
``John Doe'':
<attribute name='nm' use='default' value='John Doe'/>
<AttributeType name='nm' dt:type='string'/>
<attribute type='fullname' default='John Doe'/>
<attrdef name='nm' datatype='string'>
<default>John Doe</default>
DSD provides a more sophisticated way of defining default for
attributes by associating them with a boolean expression. For
instance, in DSD, one can specify a default value of ``John Doe'' for
male employees as follows:
<Context><Element Name='employee'>
<Attribute Name='gender' Value='M'/>
<DefaultAttribute Name='nm' Value='John Doe'/>
2. Choice among attributes:
This feature comes in handy when schema designers want to associate
multiple attributes with an element and constrain validity to one attribute
at any given time.
DTD: No |
XML Schema: No |
XDR: No |
SOX: No |
Schematron: Yes |
DSD: Yes |
Schematron and DSD can express the requirement that exactly one of
the two attributes fn and gn must be present as an attribute
of person element as follows:
<rule context='person'>
<assert test='@fn or @gn'>Or semantics</assert>
<assert test='count(attribute::*) = 1'>
Only one attribute</assert>
<ElementDef ID='person'>
<AttributeDecl Name='fn' IDType='ID'/>
<AttributeDecl Name='gn' IDType='ID'/>
<Attribute Name='fn'/><Attribute Name='gn'/>
3. Optional vs. required:
In all languages, whether or not an attribute definition is required
in a XML document instance can be expressed.
DTD: Yes |
XML Schema: Yes |
XDR: Yes |
SOX: Yes |
Schematron: Yes |
DSD: Yes |
To denote an attribute must be present, DTD uses a keyword #REQUIRED while XML Schema uses áuse='required'ñ
in the attribute declaration.
Similarly, in XDR, an attribute árequired='yes'ñ is used while in SOX, an element
árequired/ñ is used for mandatory attribute
definition. Schematron can enforce this feature using a pattern
áassert test='@attribute-name'ñ. Like XDR,
DSD supports an attribute áOptional='no'ñ.
4. Domain constraint:
Some languages can specify admissible values for attributes.
DTD: Partial |
XML Schema: Yes |
XDR: Partial |
SOX: Partial |
Schematron: Yes |
DSD: Yes |
DTD and XDR provide only the enumeration capability by which
users can list all legal values for the attribute being defined.
For instance, the following snippets show examples of DTD and
XDR for such an enumerated attribute type, RGB:
<!ATTLIST spec RGB (red|green|blue)>
<AttributeType name='RGB' dt:type='enumeration'
dt:values='red green blue'/>
In XML Schema, domain values for simple types can first be constrained
using various facets and then new attributes can be defined using the
simple types.
SOX provides áenumerationñ to constrain
the attribute domain.
In Schematron, the support for an arbitrary domain constraint rule for
attribute values is possible as shown in the case of the domain constraint
for datatypes in Section 2.2.
In DSD, one can apply numerous operators such as áUnionñ or áRepeatñ to the construct
áStringTypeñ to constrain domain values.
5. Conditional definition: Often, an attribute a1 of an
element E is relevant only when an attribute a2 has a certain
DTD: No |
XML Schema: No |
XDR: No |
SOX: No |
Schematron: Yes |
DSD: Yes |
For instance, the following Schematron schema states that if the element
E has the attribute one, then it must have the second attribute
two as well:
<rule context='E'>
<report test='(@one) or not(@one and @two)'>
E cannot have attribute 'one' alone.</report>
DSD supports this feature easily using its rich boolean operators.
For instance, the following snippet states that the salary attribute
is defined only when the student is a ``TA'':
<ElementDef ID='student'>
<If><Attribute Name='TA' Value='yes'>
<AttributeDecl Name='salary'/>
2.4 Element
1. Default value:
Elements can have either simple or complex default values.
DTD: No |
XML Schema: Partial |
XDR: No |
SOX: No |
Schematron: No |
DSD: Yes |
In XML Schema, one can provide a string value as the default value when the
element has a simple type.
<element name='fullname' type='string'
default='John Doe'/>
DSD allows both simple and complex defaults for elements
using áDefaultContentñ. For instance, one can
specify that a default address is ``Los Angeles'' and ``CA'':
<Context><Element Name='address'/></Context>
<city>Los Angeles</city><state>CA</state>
2. Content model: The element content model can be
1) empty,
2) text (including datatype),
3) element, or
4) mixed (text + element).
DTD: Yes |
XML Schema: Yes |
XDR: Yes |
SOX: Partial |
Schematron: Yes |
DSD: Yes |
DTD supports all four content models as follows:
empty : <!ELEMENT o EMPTY>
text : <!ELEMENT p (#PCDATA) >
element : <!ELEMENT q (x?|y*|z+) >
mixed : <!ELEMENT r (#PCDATA|x)* >
Similarly, XML Schema and XDR support the four content models using a construct
ácontentñ which supports values such as
``empty'', ``textOnly'', ``elementOnly'' (``eltOnly'' for XDR),
``mixed''. Furthermore, XML Schema allows specification of a datatype for an element.
SOX supports three content models using constructs
áempty/ñ, ástring/ñ and
áelement/ñ, respectively, but does not
explicitly support the mixed content model.
In Schematron, the following XPath expression can be used as a value for
áassertñ construct to specify the four content models:
empty : not(*)
text : string-length(text()) > 0
element : count(element::*) = count(*)
mixed : by default
DSD also supports all four models using constructs áEmpty/ñ, áStringType/ñ, áElement/ñ and áAnyElement/ñ, respectively.
3. Ordered sequence: The order among sub-elements is
DTD: Yes |
XML Schema: Yes |
XDR: Yes |
SOX: Yes |
Schematron: Yes |
DSD: Yes |
In DTD, sub-elements listed with an operator ``,'' obey the order
among them. Likewise, in XML Schema, the order needs to be
preserved unless otherwise specified. Otherwise, one can explicitly specify
that the order is sequential using a
grouping construct ásequenceñ.
In XDR, the áorder='seq'ñ attribute specifies that
sub-elements are required to appear in a sequential order.
SOX supports ásequenceñ content models as well.
For instance, in SOX, the following states that the person
element must have the sub-element fn followed by the sub-element
<elementtype name='person'>
<element name='fn'/><element name='ln'/>
The same schema can be written in Schematron as follows:
<rule context='person'>
<assert test='(*[position()=1] = fn)
and (*[position()=2] = ln)'>
fn must be followed by ln.</assert>
The ordered sequence in DSD is expressed in a similar fashion by
the construct áSequenceñ in an element content
<ElementDef ID='person'>
<Element Name='fn'/><Element Name='ln'/>
4. Unordered sequence: The order among sub-elements is
DTD: No |
XML Schema: Yes |
XDR: Yes |
SOX: No |
Schematron: Yes |
DSD: Yes |
Unlike SGML which offers an operator & to create an unordered
sequence, DTD does not offer an explicit operator for unordered
sequence. Instead, one needs to encode all the possible
combinations of the sub-elements. For instance, to express an unordered
sequence of sub-element (a & b & c) of SGML in DTD, one
has to write ((a,b,c)|(a,c,b)|(b,a,c)|(b,c,a)|(c,a,b)|(c,b,a)) or
somewhat incorrectly (a|b|c)* [20]. Using a
grouping construct áallñ in XML Schema, one can
specify the unordered sequence.
In XDR, the áorder='many'ñ attribute
specifies that sub-elements can appear in any order. In Schematron, if
one does not specify any patterns, then it takes the unordered
sequence by default.
In DSD, a single content expression describes a set of allowed
sequences of string data and elements. Several content expressions
describe all merging of sequences, one from each expression.
Thus, by cleverly using this feature, one can capture "floating
elements", i.e., mixes of ordered and unordered contents.
This feature in DSD is more expressive than the simple ordered or
unordered content model.
5. Choice among elements: Only one sub-element among candidates
is allowed.
DTD: Yes |
XML Schema: Yes |
XDR: Yes |
SOX: Yes |
Schematron: Yes |
DSD: Yes |
DTD uses an operator ``|'' to denote choice among elements.
Using a grouping construct áchoiceñ in XML Schema, one
can specify that only one of the sub-elements in the group must
In XDR, the áorder='one'ñ attribute specifies that
only one sub-element can be used.
SOX supports the áchoiceñ content model for an element.
Schematron can express its choice among elements using rules similar to the
case of choice among attributes in Section 2.3.
In DSD, the construct áOneOfñ is supported as follows:
<ElementDef ID='person'>
<Element Name='fn'/><Element Name='gn'/>
6. Min & Max occurrence:
In this scheme, the language can support if minimum occurrence is k
and maximum occurrence is l.
DTD: Partial |
XML Schema: Yes |
XDR: Yes |
SOX: Yes |
Schematron: Yes |
DSD: Partial |
In DTD, the occurrences of elements can be only primitively
controlled by the three Kleene operators:
1) ``?'' for 0 or 1,
2) ``*'' for 0 or many and
3) ``+'' for 1 or many.
In XML Schema, an element declaration carries minOccurs='k' and
In XDR, áminOccursñ and
ámaxOccursñ attributes specify how
many times an element can appear within another element.
In SOX, an element definition carries áoccursñ
attribute that indicates the number of repetitions of the instanced
element. It can
1) the three Kleene operators (i.e., ?, *, +),
2) a value of the form ``k,l'', or
3) ``k,*''.
In Schematron, this can be written as áassert
test='count(E)>=k'ñ and áassert
In DSD, the occurrences of elements can be specified as
áOneOrMoreñ, and
áUnionñ, but cannot be specified with respect to
the exact minimum and maximum numbers.
7. Open model: An open content model enables additional elements
or attributes to be present within an element without having to
declare each and every element. This provides an extensibility
DTD: No |
XML Schema: No |
XDR: Yes |
SOX: No |
Schematron: Yes |
DSD: No |
In XDR, the model is open by default. One has to
specify a closed model explicitly with ámodel='closed'ñ.
Suppose, for instance, one has the following person element
definition (the city and state elements are defined
<ElementType name='address' model='closed'>
<element type='city'/><element type='state'/>
<ElementType name='person'>
<element type='address'/>
This definition states that the address element can have only
two sub-elements city and state while the person
element can have a sub-element address and possibly others since
it is an ``open'' content model. Thus, the following XML document
instance is valid although the unknown element name is
added to the person element.
<city>Los Angeles</city><state>CA</state>
<name>John Doe</name>
In Schematron, the content model is open by default. The closed model also
can be expressed using a count() function in XPath. For
instance, the following schema states that the person element is
closed (when the name and address are all the sub-elements
of the person):
<rule context='person'>
<assert test='count(name|address) = count(*)'>
There is an extra element.</assert>
In languages that support ``any'' element concept, since any
well-formed XML fragment is allowed for the any element, the open
model can be simulated in some sense. However, since this requires
the ``any'' element be defined in the schema beforehand, it is less
flexible than the explicit open model.
8. Conditional definition:
Often, elements are allowed only in certain
DTD: No |
XML Schema: No |
XDR: No |
SOX: No |
Schematron: Yes |
DSD: Yes |
For instance, the following Schematron schema states that, in HTML, the element
input can appear only if it is inside the element form.
<rule context='E'>
<report test='not(parent::form) and input'>
Element input cannot appear.</report>
DSD supports this feature using its boolean operators.
The usage is similar to the case of the conditional definition for attributes.
2.5 Inheritance
As in object-oriented inheritance, inheritance is done by
extending or restricting the base type. In this
section, we divide the target of the inheritance into simple and complex types. When some languages support
inheritance toward attribute and element
instead, we treat them as the simple and complex type inheritance,
1. Simple type by extension:
In this scheme, new simple types may be created by deriving from other
simple types with more relaxed domain constraint. The set of
legal values of the new type is a superset of that of the base
type. No languages support this feature.
DTD: No |
XML Schema: No |
XDR: No |
SOX: No |
Schematron: No |
DSD: No |
2. Simple type by restriction:
The set of legal values of the new type is a subset of that of
the base type.
DTD: No |
XML Schema: Yes |
XDR: No |
SOX: Yes |
Schematron: No |
DSD: No |
In XML Schema, inheritance among simple types are allowed as shown in the
following example, where a 9 digit US zipcode is created from the
base type string:
<simpleType name='zipcode' base='string'>
<pattern value='[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4})?'/>
By constraining the domain values using the pattern expression, the
legal values for the zipcode have been restricted from the string type.
In SOX, new datatypes may be refined from built-in or
derived types.
For instance, the new datatype
RGB allows only three values from the color type.
<datatype name='RGB'>
<enumeration datatype='color'>
3. Complex type by extension:
DTD: No |
XML Schema: Yes |
XDR: No |
SOX: Yes |
Schematron: No |
DSD: No |
XML Schema supports type inheritance using constructs
ábaseñ and
Newly added elements are always appended at the end.
In SOX, áextends type='basetype'ñ is
supported, where appending new elements and attributes are
allowed. Given the person element defined elsewhere, the
following example illustrates how the new element new-person
inherits the content model of the person element and
has an additional element address and attribute email.
<elementtype name='new-person'>
<extends type='person'>
<element name='address' type='addr'/>
<attdef name='email' datatype='string'>
In DSD, any definition can be redefined using the
áRenewIDñ and
áCurrIDRefñ constructs. However, once the new type is
defined, the original type is no longer accessible. Therefore, this
feature is for renewing rather than deriving.
4. Complex type by restriction:
DTD: No |
XML Schema: Yes |
XDR: No |
SOX: No |
Schematron: No |
DSD: No |
In XML Schema, it is possible to derive new types by restricting the
content models of existing types. The values represented by the new
type are a subset of the values represented by the base type. For
instance, the following schema shows the newly defined element E whose type is ResItemType which
is required to have at least one item sub-element as a new
<complexType name='ItemType'>
<element name='item' minOccurs='0'>
<complexType name='ResItemType'
base='ItemType' derivedBy='restriction'>
<element name='item' minOccurs='1'>
<element name='E' type='ResItemType'>
2.6 Being unique or key
1. Uniqueness for attribute:
All languages support this feature.
DTD: Yes |
XML Schema: Yes |
XDR: Yes |
SOX: Yes |
Schematron: Yes |
DSD: Yes |
DTD, XDR, SOX and DSD use ID type for an
attribute to ensure uniqueness
while XML Schema uses áuniqueñ where
the scope and target object of the uniqueness are specified by
áselectorñ and áfieldñ
constructs, respectively. Since Schematron does not have an explicit
construct equivalent to ID in DTD, uniqueness for an
attribute must be simulated using pattern ``count()=1''.
2. Uniqueness for non-attribute:
Schema languages like XML Schema, Schematron, or DSD specify
uniqueness not only for attributes but also for arbitrary elements or
even composite objects (attribute + element) in a portion of the
document or the whole document.
DTD: No |
XML Schema: Yes |
XDR: Partial |
SOX: No |
Schematron: Yes |
DSD: No |
This feature can be easily expressed in XML Schema using the same
construct áuniqueñ. For instance, the following
schema ensures there exists a unique phone element under addr sub-elements of the person element.
In XDR, elements support the ID attribute type as if they are
attributes albeit this is not implemented yet in Internet Explorer 5.
<ElementType name='phone' dt:type='ID'/>
However, XDR cannot support uniqueness of composite objects.
In Schematron, the same constraint can be written as follows:
<rule context='person/addr'>
<assert test='count(phone) = 1'>
phone is not unique.</assert>
3. Key for attribute: In databases, being a key requires being
unique as well as not being null. A similar concept is defined in
XML Schema.
DTD: No |
XML Schema: Yes |
XDR: No |
SOX: No |
Schematron: Yes |
DSD: No |
Using almost identical syntax as áuniqueñ, a
construct ákeyñ can specify an attribute as a
key in XML Schema.
In Schematron, this feature can be simulated as follows:
<rule context='person'>
<assert test='@ssn and count(@ssn) = 1'>
Is ssn unique?</assert>
<assert test='string-length(@ssn) > 0'>
Is ssn not empty?</assert>
4. Key for non-attribute:
XML Schema allows specification of arbitrary elements or composite objects as key.
DTD: No |
XML Schema: Yes |
XDR: No |
SOX: No |
Schematron: Yes |
DSD: No |
For instance, the following schema in XML Schema defines the combination of
an employee's department code (element) and employee's name (attribute)
as a key.
<key name='ekey'>
Schematron supports this feature similarly using patterns.
5. Foreign key for attribute:
Foreign key states if 1) who is a referencing key and 2) who
is being referenced by the referencing key.
DTD: Partial |
XML Schema: Yes |
XDR: Partial |
SOX: Partial |
Schematron: Yes |
DSD: Yes |
Like ID type, DTD, XDR, SOX and DSD use IDREF
type for a referencing attribute. XML Schema uses ákeyrefñ. In addition to this, XML Schema and DSD support a
method to specify whom the foreign key actually points to using
constructs áreferñ and áPointsToñ, respectively.
Furthermore, DSD even allows association of arbitrary boolean
expressions with the áPointsToñ construct.
Using this, for instance, one can specify ``an attribute A points to
either attribute B in an element E1 or C in element E2'' in
DSD. In Schematron, this feature can be expressed using patterns. For
instance, the following schema states that dno attribute of employee element should reference the unique identifier of dept element.
<rule context = 'employee[@dno]'>
<assert test='(name(id(@dno)) = 'dept')'>
Error occurred.</assert>
6. Foreign key for non-attribute:
DTD: No |
XML Schema: Yes |
XDR: No |
SOX: No |
Schematron: No |
DSD: Yes |
Similar to specifying uniqueness for non-attributes, XML Schema can specify
foreign keys for arbitrary elements or composite objects using the same
ákeyrefñ construct.
<keyref refer='ekey'>
Similarly, the following DSD example illustrates that an attribute
book-ref is referencing an element book.
<AttributeDecl ID='book-ref' IDType='IDRef'>
<Context><Element Name='book'/></Centext>
2.7 Miscellaneous Features
1. Dynamic constraint:
In Schematron, one can selectively turn on and off the constraints using
áphaseñ construct so that only part of the
schema constraints can be dynamically evaluated at any given time.
DTD: No |
XML Schema: No |
XDR: No |
SOX: No |
Schematron: Yes |
DSD: No |
2. Version: Sometimes it is desirable to allow several different
attribute or element definitions with the same name. That is, several
versions of an attribute or element coexist.
DTD: No |
XML Schema: No |
XDR: No |
SOX: No |
Schematron: No |
DSD: Yes |
XML Schema has a construct áversionñ for schema
definition, but the current specification does not define any further
semantics for that; it is simply provided as a convenience. DSD
utilizes both ``Name'' as well as ``ID'' attributes for element
definition so that the attributes with same names are legal as long as
their IDs are different. Furthermore, by using the áRenewIDñ and áCurrIDRefñ, any
definition can be renewed, making a new version of the definition.
For instance, the following schema illustrates the redefinition of the
DSD constraint book-constraints:
<ConstraintDef ID='book-constraints'/>
<ConstraintDef RenewID='book-constraints'>
<Constraint CurrIDRef='book-constraints'/>
... modification ...
3. Documentation:
At minimum, all languages support commenting on schema fragments using
a construct <-- comment -->. However, here we consider
documentation features beyond commenting such as:
1) textual description to explain a schema fragment for human readers,
2) embedded documentation for application programs, or
3) error or hint messages to aid schema validation and debugging.
DTD: No |
XML Schema: Yes |
XDR: No |
SOX: Yes |
Schematron: Yes |
DSD: Yes |
XML Schema provides
ádocumentationñ and áappinfoñ elements to support description for both human
readers as well as application programs.
SOX provides the áintroñ element to provide
an introduction to the schema as a whole and áexplainñ element to provide a hook for including
documentation within a schema fragment.
However, there is no support for automatic debugging message or
application programs.
In Schematron, by using the assertion semantics provided by constructs
áassertñ and áreportñ,
detailed documentation for validating XML structures can be provided.
DSD supports three keywords: áLabelñ,
áBriefDocñ and áDocñ. Using these, it is straightforward to implement, for instance, a debugging system.
4. Embedded HTML:
Due to HTML's popularity, it is often convenient to be able to
embed HTML fragments inside XML documents.
DTD: No |
XML Schema: Yes |
XDR: No |
SOX: Yes |
Schematron: Partial |
DSD: Yes |
Using áanyñ element, XML Schema allows specification
that any well-formed XML is permissible in a type's content
model. Hence, well-formed HTML code can be easily embedded in XML
document. SOX provides similar feature using áexplainñ element.
Schematron allows a few HTML tags (e.g., <p>, <emph>),
but not general ones.
In DSD, one can use the documentation facility to embed HTML.
5. Self-describability:
The following languages provide a meta schema (i.e., representing the
schema specification using the schema itself being defined). The meta
schema is useful in bootstrapping the implementation of the language.
DTD: No |
XML Schema: Partial |
XDR: No |
SOX: No |
Schematron: Partial |
DSD: Yes |
While XML Schema and Schematron provide meta schemas that capture only the
syntactic requirements, DSD provides a meta schema that captures
both the syntactic and semantic requirements.
3 Conclusion
Figure 1: XML schema languages classification.
Figure 2: Classification of the expressive power of the six languages.
Our comparative review of the features is summarized in
Table 1.
From an ``ease of use'' point of view, DTD is arguably the easiest
schema language to learn despite its use of proprietary syntax.
Since the new additions to XDR and SOX are relatively manageable,
we think the migration curve from DTD to these languages is not
Although the language specification of Schematron is very simple, it
exhibits much power. However, this requires users to learn yet another
language XPath. Due to the extensive set of features supported by
XML Schema and DSD, we expect them to be more difficult to learn
than others. Since DSD uses explicit operators for regular
expressions (e.g., áRepeatñ, áOneOfñ), DSD schema tends to be more verbose than XML Schema
or Schematron schema.
From a ``language'' point of view, the six reviewed XML schema
languages can be roughly divided into two camps based on factors such
as grammar-based vs. pattern-based, definition-oriented
vs. validation-oriented, structure-oriented vs. constraints-oriented,
etc. The classification is summarized in Figure 1.
Based on our study, DTD, XML Schema, XDR and SOX belong to the
grammar-based language group while Schematron belongs to the
pattern-based language group. DSD stands in-between,
supporting both features together.
The grammar-based language group especially has an advantage in XML
querying since knowing the structure and definition of the
schema helps users write more optimized queries and detect
errors in the queries more easily.
On the other hand, the pattern-based language group is naturally
superior with respect to the expressiveness of constraints in the
From a ``database'' point of view, no single language suffices
the needs completely. The SQL DDL allows specification of not only a set
of relations and attributes, but also information about the domain of
values associated with each attribute, integrity constraints, indices
for each relation, security, etc [21]. While XML Schema
fulfills the support for a variety of built-in domain types, it could
not express, for instance, an arbitrary SQL CHECK or ASSERT clause. Furthermore, although Schematron or DSD can express
such integrity constraints, they have no support of physical indices specification
for boosting performance. Since a substantial amount of web documents
are generated from underlying databases by the user's request, it is
important to be able to handle such data-centric features as SQL DDL
do. We feel this is one of the areas where database researchers can
contribute more.
From an ``expressive power'' point of view, the six languages can be
organized into the following three classes as depicted in
Figure 2.
- Class 1: DTD has the weakest expressive power. Its
support of schema structure is minimal and it severely lacks the support
for schema datatype and constraint.
- Class 2: XDR and SOX belongs to the middle
tier. Their support for schema datatype is not enough (e.g., lack of
explicit null and user-defined type) although schema structure can be supported
rather sufficiently. Like DTD, however, they mostly fail to
support constraint specification to express the semantics of the
- Class 3: XML Schema, Schematron and DSD have the strongest
expressive power. Whereas XML Schema supports features for schema datatype
and structure fully, Schematron provides a very flexible pattern language
that can describe the detailed semantics of the schema. DSD tries
to support common features supported by XML Schema (e.g, structure) and
Schematron (e.g., constraint) along with some additional features.
One should keep in mind, however, that the philosophies by which each
language has been designed are quite different; some try to define
more semantics while others try to be more minimalistic. Therefore,
the languages in a higher class should not be regarded as superior to
the ones in a lower class.
In our study, we have found that the support of constraints in the
schema language (e.g., Schematron, DSD) is a very attractive feature.
However, at the same time, ignoring the schema definition aspect
completely like Schematron raises some concern as a general purpose
schema language. Although XML Schema identifies many commonly recurring
schema constraints and incorporates them into the language
specification, we still feel XML Schema is too rigid in that sense.
It would be interesting to see if the support of constraints will be
added to XML Schema in the future.
The authors wish to thank Rick Jelliffe (ASCC) for answering questions
regarding Schematron and Michael I. Schwartzbach (BRICS) for his helpful
comments on DSD during the writing of this paper.
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- [3]
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- [4]
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- [7]
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- [8]
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- [9]
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- [10]
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- [20]
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- [21]
- A. Silberschatz, H. F. Korth, S. Sudarshan,
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Features |
DTD 1.0 |
XML Schema 1.0 |
XDR 1.0 |
SOX 2.0 |
Schematron 1.4 |
DSD 1.0 |
Schema |
syntax in XML |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
namespace |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
include |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
import |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Datatype |
built-in type |
10 |
37 |
33 |
17 |
0 |
0 |
user-defined type |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
domain constraint |
No |
Yes |
No |
Partial |
Yes |
Yes |
explicit null |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Attribute |
default value |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
choice |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
optional vs. required |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
domain constraint |
Partial |
Yes |
Partial |
Partial |
Yes |
Yes |
conditional definition |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Element |
default value |
No |
Partial |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
content model |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Partial |
Yes |
Yes |
ordered sequence |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
unordered sequence |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
choice |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
mim & max occurrence |
Partial |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Partial |
open model |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
conditional definition |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Inheritance |
simple type by extension |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
simple type by restriction |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
complex type by extension |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
complex type by restriction |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Being unique or key |
uniqueness for attribute |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
uniqueness for non-attribute |
No |
Yes |
Partial |
No |
Yes |
No |
key for attribute |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
key for non-attribute |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
foreign key for attribute |
Partial |
Yes |
Partial |
Partial |
Yes |
Yes |
foreign key for non-attribute |
No |
Yes |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
Miscellaneous |
dynamic constraint |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
No |
version |
No |
No |
No |
No |
No |
Yes |
documentation |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
embedded HTML |
No |
Yes |
No |
Yes |
Partial |
Yes |
self-describability |
No |
Partial |
No |
No |
Partial |
Yes |
Table 1: Summary of the feature comparisons.
- 1
- The title and structure of this paper imitate those of [1] in the hope of being a sequel.
- 2
- These languages are still evolving at the
time of writing.
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